
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Murchisoniina
Family: Eotomariidae
Genus: Clathrospira Ulrich and Scofield, 1897
Cincinnatian Species: Clathrospira conica,
Clathrospira subconica
[accordions title=”” disabled=”false” active=”1″ autoheight=”false” collapsible=”true”] [accordion title=”Taxonomic Details”]Formerly: Previousley Pleurotomaria(Hall 1847), now known as Clathrospira(Ulrich and Scofield, 1897)
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Geologic Range
Mid-Ordovician – Silurian
Common Paleoecology
Clathospira is an extinct genus of facultatively mobile, epifaunal suspension feeders
Identification in Hand Sample:
- Turbiniform
- Moderatly spired
- Prosocline growth lines
- Sutures shallow
- Growth lines lean toward the growth direction when above the selenizone and lean away from the direction of growth below it
Geographic Occurrences
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Rohr (1996):
- The conical spire and the presence of a shallow slit and selenizone at the periphery are characteristic of Clathrospira,… the weak spiral threads are considered diagnostic by Ulrich and Scofield (1897) and Knight (in Knight et al., 1960) …
Fossils of Ohio (1996):
- Shell moderately spired
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part I, Vol. 1 (1960) :
- Turbiniform with conical spire and shallow sutures, narrowly phaneromphalus; growth lines strongly prosocline above selenizone and strongly opisthocline below it, but rounding to gently proscline on base, outlining a moderately deep labral sinus that culminates in a short slit; selenizone bordered by fine threads; growth lines and lunulae periodically strengthened, very fine spiral threads numerous.
Ulrich & Scofield (1897):
- Shell in all respects like Eotomaria except that the band is nearly vertical and situated upon the periphery of the whorls, and the surface beautifully cancellated.
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