Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis

Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Trepostomatida
Family: Atactotoechidae
Genus: Cyphotrypa
Species: Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis (MacFarlan, 1931)

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Stratigraphic Occurrences


Geographic Occurrences

Map point data provided by iDigBio.
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Sequences (Formations)

  • C5 Sequence (Waynesville)
  • C4 Sequence (Arnheim)

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Identification in Hand Sample

  • Zoarium Morphology: Massive to subspherical
  • Zoecia: Polygonal; thin-walled (9-10 in 2mm); acanthopores well developed; large
  • Mesozooids: None
  • Monticules: Surface smooth
  • Maculae: Of larger zooecia, slightly elevated

Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis from the McMilan Formation of Cincinnati, Ohio (OUIP 480)

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MacFarlan (1931):

  • Subspherical to massive zooaria. Surface smooth or with maculae of larger zooecia slightly elevated. Zooecia 9-10 in 2 mm. Acanthopores large

Miller (1919):

  • The Waynesville (J.M. Nickles, 1903) is an argillaceous, thick-bedded limestone with shale, aggregating forty-five feet in thickness. It was named from an Ohio locality. It is rather poor in fossils. The most characteristic are the globular bryozoan, Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis, the gastropod Lophospira bowdeni, and the brachiopods Catazyga headi, Dalmanella jugosa, and Strophomena planumbona. We also find here the honeycomb coral Columnaria alveolata – a recurrence from the Cynthiana.

Butts (1914):

  • The species is easily recognizable from its globular form to which there is nothing else similar in the rocks of the (Jefferson) county. Being common and limited to the Waynesville, it is a sure index for the identification of that formation.
  • Above the Columnaria zone is another peculiar stratum which is a shale about 10 feet thick, predominantly gray but of a greenish cast, due to the presence of green mottlings which are probably caused by the presence of ferrous silicate. The bed weathers to a yellowish green clay. It is especially characterized by a globular bryozoan, Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis, specimens of which are everywhere present and in most places fairly plentiful.
  • The Cyphotrypa (C. clarksvillensis?) is confined to the Waynesville and its presence is diagnostic. As it is easily recognizable and ranges nearly through the formation from top to bottom and is abundant in Cyphotrypa zone as well as common in the part of the Waynesville above that bed, it is a very serviceable fossil form for identifying that formation.
  • Fossils occur throughout the upper part of the Waynesville sparingly. The Cyphotrypa already mentioned occurs though generally it is not as plentiful as in the Cyphotrypa zone. Zygospira kentuckyensis, is a characteristic fossil of this zone.
  • -Cyphotrypa zone of Waynesville Limestone-
    Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis. Ulrich. Large globular form ½ to 1 ½ in. diameter (abundant).
  • -Upper part of Waynesville Limestone-
    Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis Ulrich, common. Ramose bryozoan undescribed forms.

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