Vinlandostrophia hopensis

Phylum: Brachiopoda
Class: Rhynchonellata
Order: Orthida
Family: Platystrophiidae
Genus: Vinlandostrophia
Species: Vinlandostrophia hopensis (Foerste, 1910)

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Taxonomic History:1910 Platystrophia profundosulcata hopensis Foerste, Bull. Sci. Lab. Dension Univ., vol. 16, pl. 4, fig. 4.
Taxonomic History:
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C2 Sequence (Fairview: Mount Hope)
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Identification in Hand Sample
- Smaller in size than other species of Vindlandostrophia
- Lower fold and shallower sinus compared to other Mount Hope and Fairmount Vindlandostrophia species
- Wider and less convex than other species of Vindlandostrophia
- Usually 6 to 7 plications, but more rarely can have anywhere from 5 to 10 plications

Vinlandostrophia hopensis from the McMillan Formation of Georgetown, Ohio (OUIP 649)
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Davis (1998):
Davis (1998):
- Articulate brachiopod. Note small size, coarse plications, fold in brachial valve, and sulcus in pedicle valve. Mt. Hope.
McEwan (1920):
- This variety is more transverse, has a lower fold and shallower sinus than typical specimens of the Mount Hope and Fairmount beds. They are more like young Platystrophia laticosta, but the sinus is deeper. The physiognomy of the shell throughout its development suggests that this variety is the ancestor of the forms which Meek took as the types of the species.
Foerste (1910):
- Specimens from the Mount Hope bed are closely similar to those from the lower Fairmount, but usually have the fold less strongly elevated and the sinus less profound. They are wider, and less convex. The width frequently reaches 20 mm. The number of plications usually is 6 or 7 but may vary from 5 to 10. At the Mount Hope horizon, this species usually occurs alone, not associated with any other form of Platystrophia.
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