Leptotrypa ornata

Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Trepostomatida
Family: Atactotechidae
Genus: Leptotrypa
Species: Leptotrypa ornata Ulrich, 1883

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Originally: Leptotrypa ornataTaxonomic History Ulrich, 1883
Originally: Leptotrypa ornataTaxonomic History Ulrich, 1883
- 1883 Leptotrypa ornata Ulrich, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., VI, p. 160, pl. vi, 2-2b
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C5 Sequence (Lower Whitewater)
- C3 Sequence (Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Bellevue)
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Identification in Hand Sample
- Generally found encrusting on Cyrtolites ornatus
- .02 to .10 of an inch in thickness
- Cell-wall thin, with the angles of junction slightly elevated
- The center of the walls is often crossed lengthwise by a delicate light line

Leptotrypa ornata from an unknown location (MUGM 29431)
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Ulrich (1883):
Ulrich (1883):
- Zoarium parasitically attached to Cyrtolites ornatus, the entire shell of which it covers with a thin expansion, from .02 to .10 of an inch in thickness. Surface smooth, but presenting at intervals of .1 inch, measuring from center to center, groups of cells that are conspicuously larger than those in the intervening spices, their diameter often exceeding 1/80th of an inch, while that of the ordinary cells is about 1/120th of an inch. Cell-wall thin, with the angles of junction slightly elevated.
- In longitudinal sections, the tubes are thin-walled and proceed abruptly from the attached epithecal membrane to the upper surface. Diaphragms may be absent or developed in limited numbers. The center of the walls is often traversed lengthwise by a delicate light line, indicating the central cavity of the spiniform tubuli.
- Tangential sections often show a delicate dark line separating the thin walls of adjoining cells, which at nearly all their angles of junction, is enlarged so as to include a small spiniform tabulus. Both these and longitudinal sections show, that with the exception of larger cells already described, the cells consist of one kind only.
- This is a common species at the top of the hills back of Cincinnati, OH, where over nine-tenths of the specimens of Cyrtolites ornatus found are covered with it. The thin zoarium amy sometimes by flaked off, so as to expose the beautifully cancellated shell of that gastropod.
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