Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Subclass: Rugosa
Family: Streptelasmatidae (Nicholson, 1889)
Cincinnatian Genera: Grewingkia, Streptelasma
Geologic Range
Middle Ordovician – Middle Devonian
Common Paleoecology
Streptelasmatidae is an extinct family of stationary epifaunal suspension feeders
Description of the Family
- Septa imperforate, long but in some somewhat withdrawn from axis. Axial edges of major septa ragged
- Fossula inconsipicuous and commonly on convex side of curved coralla
- Tabulae tall domes, complete or incomplete
- Dissepimentlike tabellae may develop between a minor septum and the major septum against which is is contratingent
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Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part F, 1 of 2 (1981):
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part F, 1 of 2 (1981):
- Solitary, in some with a few offsets, or rarely, compound; septa imperforate; septal trabeculae coarse monacanths; major septa long but in some somewhat withdrawn from axis; axial edges of major septa ragged, with vermiform lobes or meandrine septal lamellae sparse to common and in many forming axial structure that may project as calical boss and in which septal elements may be connected by ?synapticulae; minor septa short, commonly buried in or scarcely projecting from somewhat irregular peripheral sterozone, in a few longer and contratingent or contraclined; fossula inconspicuous and commonly on convex side of curved coralla, in early forms more or less parallel-sided, in later forms may merge with axial space within axial structure; tabulae tall domes, complete or incomplete; dissepiment like tabellae may develop between a minor septum and the major septum against which is contratingent.
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