
Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Cyclostomata
Genus: Cuffeyella Taylor & Wilson, 1996
Cincinnatian Species: Cuffeyella arachnoidea

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Type Species: Aulopora arachnoidea (Hall, 1847)
Type Species: Aulopora arachnoidea (Hall, 1847)
Originally: Aulopora arachnoidea
Includes:Stomatopora arachnoidea, Aulopora frondosa James, 1873, Alecto frondosa, Proboscina frondosa, Stomatopora frondosa, Alecto auloporoides Nicholson, 1875, Proboscina auloporoides, Alecto confusa Nicholson, 1875, and Proboscina confusa (UGA)
Species found in the Cincinnatian, USA
- Cuffeyella arachnoidea (Hall, 1847)
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Geologic Range
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C5 Sequence (Lower Whitewater, Waynesville)
- C4 Sequence (Arnheim)
- C3 Sequence (Mt. Auburn, Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Bellevue, Fairview: Fairmount, Mount Hope)
- C1 Sequence (Clays Ferry/Kope: McMicken, Southgate, Economy, Fulton)
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Identification in Hand Sample:
- Zoarium Morphology: Crownoporid with encrusting colony of uniserial or narrowly multiserial branches
- Zooecia: Uniserial or narrowly multiserial zooecia
- Pseudopores: Pseudopores of very large size – the external diameter of Cuffeyella pseudopores is about 20 µm
- Diagnosis: Runner-like colonies: uniserial zooids encrusting in a branching pattern.
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Taylor & Wilson (1996):
Taylor & Wilson (1996):
- Diagnosis: Crownoporid with encrusting colony of uniserial or narrowly multiserial branches.
- Etymology: In honour of the bryozoological achievements of Dr. Roger J. Cuffey (Pennsylvania State University)
- Remarks: Like other crownoporids, Cuffeyella differs from post-Paleozoic tubuliporine cyclostomates, with similar ribbon-like encrusting colony-forms, notably Proboscinoora (see Pitt & Taylor, 1990), in having pseudopores of very large size – the external diameter of Cuffeyella pseudopores is about 20 µm, two or three times larger than post-Paleozoic pseudopores. Gonozooids are lacking in the large suite of available specimens, another distinction from most, but not all (e.g., cinctiporids, see Boardman et al., 1992) tubiuliporines. The two other general here referred to the Crownoporidae – Kukersella (see Buttler, 1989) and Voigtia (see Hillmer & Schallreuter, 1985; Dzik, 1994) – have erect colonies with narrow cylindrical branches.
Taylor & Wilson (1994):
- Encrusting, uniserial or narrowly multiserial zooecia; Distinguished from Coryontrypa inflata: zooids not distinct tear-drop shaped
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