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Ichnospecies: (Holland, UGA Strat Lab)
Ichnospecies: (Holland, UGA Strat Lab)
- Trichophycus lanosum (Miller & Dyer, 1878) – Possesses a button-like end – Corryville
- Trichophycus venosum (Miller, 1879) – Commonly called “Turkey Tracks” – Corryville, Fairmount, Economy
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Geographic Occurrences
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C3 Sequence (Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Fairview: Fairmount)
- C1 Sequence (Economy)
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Identification in Hand Sample
- General morphology: Subhorizontal burrow or burrow system composed of one or more broad, U-shaped burrows
- Branching: None
- Surface ornamentation: Scratch marks on surface of burrow
- Fill: Backfilled
- Lining: None
- Spreiten: May have some vertically oriented spreite
Paleoenvironmental Parameters
- Substrate: Soft- to firmground
- Oxygen content: Low-high
- Nutrient content: Low-high
- Energy: Moderate
- Behavior: Dwelling and feeding
- Tracemaker: Arthropods, annelids
Potential Environments
- Marine

Trichophycus (OUIP 2310)
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Hasiotis (KU Ichnology, 2014):
Hasiotis (KU Ichnology, 2014):
- Subhorizontal burrow or burrow system composed of one or more broad, originally open, U-shaped burrows, characteristically having a nodose gallery, and in exceptionally well-preserved cases, with biradial striation on the walls of nodes. These features distinguish Trichophycus from Treptichnus.
Buckman (1997):
- Trichophycus is defined as a “burrow system composed of a series of cylindrical or subcylindrical segments which are curved upward. Segments or part of them may be stacked in a vertical plane to form teichichnoid structures” (Geyer and Uchman, 1995, p. 185).
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part W, Miscellanea Supplement 1 (1975):
- Description: “Large cylindrical burrows showing slight constrictions, 15 to 25 cm long, diameter 1 to 3 cm; floor of burrow ornamented by fine striae radiating from midline; some forms (e.g., T. venosus Miller, 1879) with a few vertically directed secondary branches; backfill structure of burrows similar to Teichichnus or Pennatulites; type species T. lanosus consists of sinuous trails ending (?anteriorly) in buttonlike depression from which radiate fine straie; the ichnogenus better typified by more common ichnospecies T. venosus.” W. Hantzschel 1975
- Interpretation: Interpreted by Seilacher & Crimes (1969, p. 148) as feeding burrows probably made by small trilobites (trinucleids?), striation of burrows (=scratches) indicate lateral movement of animals in burrows. For history and interpretation of trace fossil (originally described as alga, later as inorganic in origin), including a very detailed discussion of synonymy, see Osgood (1970, p. 346-350). Entire morphology of the two ichnospecies, however, still requires some study; particularly of T. lanosus, now regarded by Osgood (1970, p. 347) as perhaps “a behavioral variant of the same organism that produced T. venosum.”
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