Anoptera miseneri

Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Order: Pterioida
Family: Ambonychiidae
Genus: Anoptera
Species: Anoptera miseneri Ulrich, 1893

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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C5 Sequence (Waynesville: Liberty: Whitewater)
- C4 Sequence (Arnheim)
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Identification in Hand Sample
- Closely spaced growth lines
- Gamma angle close to 90 degrees
- Shell compressed-convex
- Hinge line very short
- Compressed beaks

Cleionychia miseneri from the Arnheim Formation of Mt. Orab, Ohio (OUIP 1184)
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Pojeta (1966):
Pojeta (1966):
- Anoptera with closely spaced growth lines, and angle gamma close to 90 degrees. Shell ovately rectangular, erect; angle gamma, about 90 degrees; lunbones rounded, and with a prominent space between their anterior faces and the mid-sagittal plane of the shell (in molds); thickness of a single valve 3-5 mm. Interior unknown, except for a bifid anterior byssal retractor scar.
Ulrich (1893):
- Shell compressed-convex, rather erect, subovate, narrowest above, the length and height respectively as three is to four and a small fraction; hinge line very short, passing gradually into the posterior margin; upper half of anterior outline distinctly concave. Beaks compressed, curving mostly forward over a long and laterally well-defined lunule; umbonal ridge defined by a distinct furrow in the postero-cardinal slope. Surface with strong, unequal, subimbricating lines of growth.
- I am not acquainted with any Lower Silurian shell with which Anoptera miseneri might be confounded.
- The specific name is given for Mr. John Misener of Richmond, Indiana, an excellent collector and keen student of the fossils of the Cincinnati, group. Science is indebted to him for the discovery of a number of entirely new forms as well of instructive specimens of several species that were but little known heretofore.
- Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Blanchester, Ohio and Richmond, Indiana.
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