Colony Growth Forms
Morphology (or Growth habit): the basic form or shape in which the colony grows
Ramose (Dendroid, branching): Erect, circular cross-section, frequent and often regular branching from base (dendritic, like the growth of a tree).
Cincinnatian Examples: Parvohallopora ramosa, Batostoma jamesi |
Frondose (Leaf-like): Erect, flattened cross-section, branches flattened into leaf-like shapes.
Cincinnatian Examples: Homotrypa flabellaris, Heterotrypa parvulipora |
Anastomosing: Branching erect colony which branches join and re-branch to form open network.
Cincinnatian Example: Heterotrypa frondosa |
Bifoliate: Erect, flattened, with zooids that bud back-to-back.
Cincinnatian Example: Peronopora vera |
Fenestrate: Erect colony which branches in a reticulate pattern.
Cincinnatian Example: Fenestella granulosa |
Encrusting: Colony growing attached to a hard surface or other organisms’ shells.
Cincinnatian Examples: Corynotrypa inflata, Cuffeyella arachnoidea, Atactoporella schucherti |
Hemispherical (or Discoidal): Roughly hemispherical or dome shaped. Discoidal resembles a flattened hemishere, or a disc. May also resemble a “Chocolate Drop”.
Cincinnatian Examples: Cyphotrypa clarksvillensis, Prasopora simulatrix, Aspidopora newberryi |
Massive: Colony of irregular shape.
Cincinnatian Example: Monticulipora molesta |